Hydrogen Sulfide Program - ISNetworld RAVS Section - Canada- Alberta

$ 24.95

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Program - ISNetworld RAVS Section- Canada- Alberta

This Hydrogen Sulfide Program (ISNetworld® RAVS®* Section), in addition to being a complete and functioning written safety program (chapter), it also contains all the required text elements that are sought by the ISNetworld RAVS® (Review And Verification Service) reviewer. This plan has been previously submitted and has achieved a 100% approval rating for our clients.

  • All programs are guaranteed now and in the future to achieve 100% approval. 
  • There are NO maintenance or subscription fees
  • Simply notify us if any program falls out of compliance and we will correct it at NO CHARGE.

 You are downloading a MicroSoft® Word document file to your computer that is completely editable: 

  • Hydrogen Sulfide Program:
  • Approximate Word Count: 2,310
  • Approximate Number of Pages: 6
  • Page Reference Answers to RAVS Reviewer’s Questions: 4

  You will also receive instructions for a simple two-step process to place your company name and safety person's name throughout this word document to conform it to your company. Please review, and feel free to alter or add to it as you wish with any specific company information or safety policies that you may already have.

The first two pages of the document are guidelines for conforming this safety manual section, an index for completing the RAVS® questionnaire (with all page references), and uploading the section.

If you experience any difficulty filling out the questionnaire, or have any questions in general about these documents, call 314-570-0072, or e-mail me at vsunshine1@gmail.com.


An excerpt from ISNetworld® RAVS®* Safety plan Hydrogen Sulfide Program

H2S Awareness and Training

 Sulfur may be present in crude oil as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), as compounds (e.g.,mercaptans, sulfides, disulfides, thiophenes, etc.), or as elemental sulfur. Each crude oil has different amounts and types of sulfur compounds, but as a rule the proportion,  stability, and complexity of the compounds are greater in heavier crude-oil fractions.  As part of the work of Replace with Company Name, our employees may be exposed to H2S - especially when working on corroded pipe repairs.  Hydrogen sulfide is a primary contributor to corrosion in refinery processing units and piping. Other corrosive substances are elemental sulfur and mercaptans. Possible locations where employees may be exposed to H2S during their job functions may be, but not limited to: Drilling Operations, Recycled Drilling Mud, Water from sour crude wells, Blowouts,  Tank Gauging (tanks at producing, pipeline & refining operations), Field Maintenance, Tank batteries and wells.  [1]  

.      Hydrogen Sulfide is a colorless gas at normal temperature and pressure with an odor similar to that of rotten eggs,  H2S is also soluble in water, and can be found in wastewater.  In it’s pure form, H2S is flammable.  Moreover, the corrosive sulfur compounds have an obnoxious odor.  However, presence of this gas may deaden the sense of smell so odor alone cannot be used for detection.  In cases of extreme low temperature and/ or high pressure H2S may be a liquid.  [2]